.. _api/myokit.Model: ********* ``Model`` ********* .. currentmodule:: myokit The central object in Myokit is the :class:`Model`. In most scenario's, models are created by :ref:`parsing ` a file in :ref:`mmt syntax `. Once parsed, a model can be :meth:`validated ` to ensure its integrity. In models with unsound semantics (for example a cyclical reference between variables) the ``validate()`` method will raise an :class:`IntegrityError`. For models with a limited number of state variables, validation is fast. In these cases, the ``validate()`` method is run after parsing as an additional check. For larger models, validation is costly and avoided until a simulation is run or another analysis method is used. Once created and validated, a model can be asked to :meth:`compute the solvable order of its equations ` which can then be used by an exporter to generate runnable simulation or analysis code. A :class:`ModelComparison` class is available that can compare models syntactically, while the :meth:`step` method can compare model output (either to other models' output or to stored reference files from external implementations). ``myokit.Model`` ================ .. autoclass:: Model :inherited-members: Helper classes and functions ============================ .. autofunction:: check_name .. autoclass:: ModelPart .. autoclass:: ObjectWithMetaData .. autoclass:: MetaDataContainer .. autoclass:: VarOwner .. autoclass:: VarProvider Model comparison ================ .. autoclass:: ModelComparison .. autofunction:: step