Floating point numbers

Myokit includes a module myokit.float that contains methods to work with floating point numbers. These are used for example when checking if a pacing event has started or ended to within machine precision, or when checking if two units are equivalent. This module is imported automatically when import myokit is run.


myokit.float.eq(a, b)

Checks if floating point numbers a and b are equal, or so close to each other that the difference could be a single rounding error.

myokit.float.geq(a, b)

Checks if a >= b, but using myokit.float.eq() instead of ==.

myokit.float.close(a, b, reltol=1e-09, abstol=1e-09)

Test whether two numbers are close enough to be considered equal.

Differs from myokit.float.eq() in that it tries to answer the question “are two numbers resulting from various calculations close enough to be considered equal”. Whereas :meth`myokit.float.eq` aims to deal with umbers that are numerically indistinguishable but still have a slightly different floating point representation.

Rounding to integer

myokit.float.cround(x, reltol=1e-09, abstol=1e-09)

Checks if a float x is close to an integer with close(), and if so, returns that integer.


Checks if a float x is within a single rounding error of an integer, and if so, returns that integer.

Conversion to string

myokit.float.str(number, full=False, precision=64)

Converts the given number to a string, using a full-precision representation if needed.



Set to True to force full precision output.


Set to myokit.SINGLE_PRECISION to assume single-precision numbers when formatting with full precision.