DataLog Viewer¶
Prototype of a viewer for files that can be read as a DataLog (e.g. patch-clamp data). Can currently read CSV and text files, ABF files, WCP files, and some Matlab files.
- class myokit.gui.datalog_viewer.DataLogViewer(*filenames)¶
Graphical interface for viewing DataLog data.
- action_about()¶
Displays the about dialog.
- action_close(index)¶
Called when a tab should be closed
- action_first_var()¶
Select the first variable in the current file.
- action_last_var()¶
Select the last variable in the current file.
- action_license()¶
Displays this program’s licensing information.
- action_next_file()¶
Select the next open file.
- action_next_var()¶
Select the next variable in the selected file.
- action_open()¶
Let the user select and open a file.
- action_prev_file()¶
Select the previous open file.
- action_prev_var()¶
Select the previous variable in the selected file
- closeEvent(event=None)¶
Called when window is closed. To force a close (and trigger this function, call self.close())
Creates this widget’s menu.
- create_toolbar()¶
Creates this widget’s toolbar
- fileTabChangeEvent(index)¶
Different file tab selected.
- load_abf_file(filename)¶
Loads an ABF file.
- load_atf_file(filename)¶
Loads an ATF file.
- load_config()¶
Loads the user configuration from an ini file.
- load_dat_file(filename)¶
Loads a PatchMaster dat file.
- load_datalog(filename)¶
Loads a DataLog from csv or zip file.
- load_file(filename)¶
Loads a data file.
- load_mat_file(filename)¶
Loads a Matlab file.
This method requires
to be installed.
- load_txt_file(filename)¶
Loads a text file.
- load_wcp_file(filename)¶
Loads a WinWCP file.
- save_config()¶
Saves the user configuration to an ini file.
- show()¶
Shows this viewer.
- class myokit.gui.datalog_viewer.TabWidget¶
Generic tab widget with first/last next/previous methods.
- first()¶
Select the first widget.
- last()¶
Select the last widget.
- next()¶
Select the next widget.
- previous()¶
Select the previous widget.
- class myokit.gui.datalog_viewer.GraphTabWidget(parent)¶
Tab widget to graph a data source.
- deleteLater()¶
Deletes this tab (later).
- class myokit.gui.datalog_viewer.SweepSourceTab(parent, source)¶
A tab widget for sources implementing the SweepSource interface.
Graphing widgets¶
- class myokit.gui.datalog_viewer.AbfTab(parent, source)¶
A widget displaying an ABF file.
- class myokit.gui.datalog_viewer.AtfTab(parent, atf)¶
A widget displaying an ATF file.
- create_graph_tab(time, key)¶
Creates a widget displaying a graph.
- create_info_tab()¶
Creates a tab displaying information about the file.
- class myokit.gui.datalog_viewer.CsvTab(parent, log, filename)¶
A widget displaying a CSV file.
The given log must have a time variable set.
- create_graph_tab(key, indices=None)¶
Creates a widget displaying the data stored under
- create_meta_tab(meta)¶
Returns a tab showing information from a DataLog meta data object.
- class myokit.gui.datalog_viewer.MatTab(parent, mat, filename)¶
A widget displaying a .mat file.
- create_graph_tab(time, data)¶
Creates a widget displaying a time series.
- class myokit.gui.datalog_viewer.PatchMasterTab(parent, source)¶
A widget displaying a PatchMaster series.
- class myokit.gui.datalog_viewer.TxtTab(parent, data, filename)¶
A widget displaying a .txt file (with lots of heuristics!).
- create_graph_tab(time, data)¶
Creates a widget displaying a time series.
- class myokit.gui.datalog_viewer.WcpTab(parent, source)¶