Installation and debugging

The command-line tools listed in this section can be used to install, debug an installation, or test an installation of Myokit.


Myokit simulations make use of a locally installed compiler. The myokit compiler command tests this functionality, by compiling a small test module that queries the system for the installed compiler.


$ myokit compiler

Example output:

Compilation successful. Found: GCC 11.2.1

If compilation is unsuccessful, more information may be obtained by using:

$ myokit compiler --debug


Installs shortcut icons on Linux or Windows. On Linux, it also creates the .mmt mime-type and registers Myokit as a tool to handle .mmt and various other file types.


$ myokit icons


Displays information about the current OpenCL configuration.

See opencl-select for information about setting a preferred device.


$ myokit opencl

Example output:

Platform 0
 Current id : 22734896
 Name       : Intel(R) OpenCL
 Vendor     : Intel(R) Corporation
 Version    : OpenCL 1.2 LINUX
 Profile    : FULL_PROFILE
 Extensions : cl_khr_fp64 cl_khr_icd
 Devices    :
  Device 0
   Current id      : 21277656
   Name            : Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-2520M CPU @ 2.50GHz
   Vendor          : Intel(R) Corporation
   Version         : OpenCL 1.2 (Build 67279)
   Driver          : 1.2
   Clock speed     : 2500 MHz
   Global memory   : 7870 MB
   Local memory    : 32 KB
   Constant memory : 128 KB
   Max work groups : 1024
   Max work items  : [1024, 1024, 1024]
   Max param size  : 3840 bytes

For the full syntax, see:

$ myokit opencl --help


Allows the Myokit-wide OpenCL device selection to be inspected and set.

See opencl for more about obtaining detailed information about platforms and devices.


$ myokit opencl-select

Example output:

Loading Myokit...
Myokit OpenCL device selection
Selected platform: No preference
Selected device  : No preference
Available devices:
(1) Select automatically.
(2) Platform: NVIDIA CUDA
    Device: GeForce GT 640
    901 MHz, 3.9 GB global, 48.0 KB local, 64.0 KB const
Please select an OpenCL device by typing 1 or 2
Leave blank to keep current selection.
Select device:

If you have multiple OpenCL devices, this will allow a preference to be set. If no preferred device of platform is set, Myokit is will pick the first platform and device, but with a preference for GPUs over CPUs.


Resets all user settings by removing all Myokit configuration files. This will cause Myokit to recreate the files with default settings the next time Myokit is run.

Typical use:

$ myokit reset

This will prompt you to confirm (by typing “yes” or “y”) the reset. To bypass the reset, use:

$ myokit reset --force


Compiles a small test module that queries the system for the installed SUNDIALS version (if any).


$ myokit sundials

Example output:

Found Sundials version 5.6.1


Retrieves and prints system information which can be used to debug a Myokit installation.


$ myokit system

Example output:

== System information ==
Myokit: 1.35.0
Python: 3.11.3 (main, May 24 2023, 00:00:00) [GCC 12.3.1 20230508 (Red Hat 12.3.1-1)]

OS: Linux (linux, posix)

== Python requirements ==
NumPy: 1.24.3
SciPy: 1.8.1
Matplotlib: 3.6.3
ConfigParser: OK
Setuptools: 62.6.0

== Python extras ==
SymPy: 1.11.1
MoviePy: 1.0.3

== GUI ==
PyQt6: 6.5.1
  Sip: Not found
PyQt5: 5.15.9
  Sip: OK
PySide2: 5.15.7

== Development tools ==
Sphinx: 5.0.2
Flake8: 5.0.3

== Simulation tools ==
Compiler: GCC 12.3.1
Sundials: 5.8.0
OpenCL: 2 device(s) found
  Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-10885H CPU @ 2.40GHz on Intel(R) CPU Runtime for OpenCL(TM) Applications
  Intel(R) UHD Graphics [0x9bc4] on Intel(R) OpenCL HD Graphics
  Use `python -m myokit opencl` for more information.

= /home/michael/.config/myokit/myokit.ini =
# This file can be used to set global configuration options for Myokit.

# Optional settings to make Myokit work on tricky systems.
# Don't capture compiler output.
#no_capture = True
# Don't use the file-descriptor method.
#no_fd_capture = True

# Date format used throughout Myokit
# The format should be acceptable for time.strftime
date_format = %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S
# Time format used throughout Myokit
time_format = %H:%M:%S

# Backend to use for graphical user interface.
# Valid options are pyqt5, pyqt4, pyside2 and pyside.
# Leave unset for automatic selection.
#backend = pyqt5
#backend = pyqt4
#backend = pyside2
#backend = pyside

# Location of sundials shared libary files (.so, .dll, or .dylib).
# Multiple paths can be set using ; as separator.
lib = /usr/local/lib;/usr/local/lib64
# Location of sundials header files (.h).
inc = /usr/local/include

# Location of opencl shared libary files (.so, .dll, .dylib).
# Multiple paths can be set using ; as separator.
lib = /usr/lib64;/usr/lib64/nvidia;/usr/local/cuda/lib64
# Location of opencl header files (.h).
inc = /usr/include/CL;/usr/local/cuda/include


Runs Myokit’s unit tests. On a successful installation, these should complete without failures


$ myokit test

When run form a development source tree (i.e. from within a cloned myokit repository) this command provides additional options, e.g. for style and documentation checking.


Displays the current Myokit version.

$ myokit version

Example output:

 Myokit version 1.21.0         |/\
_______________________________|  |______

To leave out the decorations, use:

$ myokit version --raw

which returns:
